Saturday, February 9, 2008

MN Barack Obama Results Party

MN Barack Obama Results Party
click on image for album

Later in the night I headed down to Trocaderos for the Barack Obama results party. I was so busy at the caucus I had no idea what was going on around the nation. For all I knew he'd done well in my precinct, but had done poorly everywhere else. We had another gathering after the New Hampshire, and most of us know how that turned out. Following New Hampshire none of our local dignitaries were present. This time, however, the night was hosted by Congressman Keith Ellison and Minneapolis mayor RT Rybak.

Drinks cost way too much, but luckily Tony, the observer from the Chicago Obama headquarters, purchased one for me. I had an interesting conversation with Congressman Ellison about Senator Amy Klobuchar and the rest of the uncommitted super delegates in Minneapolis. Mayor Rybak has more energy than an energizer bunny. I could see him getting picked on as a child.

I announced my precincts results over the microphone and, according to a few friends, was on the news while on stage with the rest of the precinct captains. I wish I'd seen it. I'm not even sure what channel it was. I'll have to see if I can find the video to post here.

Overall, it was a fun night. Watching how seriously my neighbors take civic engagement, the camaraderie of the Obama campaign. Let's just hope come September I'll have more time to contribute to the presidential campaign.

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