Thursday, February 14, 2008

Indie Coffee

From Erica M at Metroblogs:
indie coffee shop is a pretty nifty Google Maps mashup. Here are all the currently listed indie coffee shops in the Twin Cities. You can filter for wifi, food, alcohol, non-smoking, outdoor seating, and "one-of-kind" (whatever that is).

This is a great site, but I've already noticed that two coffee shops I've enjoyed are missing: Uncommon Grounds and Audobon Coffee.


Lisianthia said...

The chai at Uncommon Grounds is phenomenal. Expensive, (over $4 for a small) but oh so tasty!

Kathie Smith said...

I added Matchbox over on 2nd St NE, a great little coffee shop that gave me coffee for an IOU my first time in when I had no cash.