Sunday, March 2, 2008

More Local Politcal Talk

Pete Smith is at it again with his article on Huffington Post: Anyone smell a first amendment zone? For those of you that don't know, the Republican Convention is being hosted in St. Paul, MN, this year. Both the DNC and the RNC will be sure to have protesters this year. St. Paul announced their plan to handle the expected onslaught of protesters.

Smith said:
The guidelines include a primary event area (the area in and around the Xcel Energy Center, a secondary event area (a wider perimeter, the boundaries of which are yet to be determined) and something called a, "designated public assembly area".

According to the guidelines, groups and organizations ho have applied for and received permits will assemble in a, parade staging area". Then they will march along a, "secondary event area parade route" to that designated public assembly area.

But my favorite line from Smith was:
Can you feel the waves of gratification? Can you imagine yourself hiking back to wherever you parked the Prius, 'No Blood For Oil' sign under your arm, thinking, "There. Guess we told those bastards off"?

I'm not sure if I'll still be in Minnesota in September, but there's no doubt that I'll have to check out the scene at the protest.

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