Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Generalities, Misperceptions, True, and Confrontation

Max Sparber on MNSpeak posted a pretty funny, well funny to me, link from metroblogger: Top 10 Things Idiots at SXSWi have to say about Minneapolis.

The comments on the MNSpeak posting are hilarious. Minnesotans are just as guilty in regards to stereotypes of other cities. I came across many, many more California stereotypes than I could list today. But to hear the commenters talk it's as if each of these "idiots" at SXSW is performing a personal affront to them.

Most of us are uneducated when it comes to other cultures. True, we're one nation, but each geographic section is vastly different than another. Checkout the current Democratic primaries for further proof. We could all use a class in cross-cultural awareness. I think it sure would help with a lot of the awareness in the United States. For that to happen, Minnesotans or for that matter anyone must be less judgmental of the misperceptions of these idiots. It takes correcting people a time or two for it to sink in. But for that to happen you'd have to be confrontational, and we all know how Minnesotans love confrontation. There I go again with my generalizations...

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